Sunday, October 10, 2010

Brand Personality

Brand Personality - Tiffany & Co

Tiffany & Co - of course the best jeweler to walk this planet. The most prestigious and honoured company followed by millions of fans throughout the world. With their wide variety of collections ranging from young girls with the "Return to Tiffany" or the young professional with the "Bead" collection, Tiffany Co covers the market from every age to every design to every occasion possible.

When we talk about personality - Tiffany & Co dominates the market for what their specific brand personality is. Tiffany has this personality down to such a fine spec, just thinking of the company resembles an image of what "Tiffany" would like look- plus their iconic tiffany blue colour.

The following are "emotions and tones" that the Tiffany & Co personality resembles:


Brand Dictionary 
some style is legendary
give her the blue, tiffany blue
tiffany experience, door man, elevators
bring her home the little blue box
tiffany co shop (not store)
diamonds are a girls best friend

Tone of voice
bring her home the little blue box

When we think of Tiffany & Co we think of luxury, legendary style, and a timeless gift. The variety of collections are legendary which every girl would want to wear and honour. The personality is classy, sophisticated and most importantly, special. Those who wear, shop or think Tiffany have a special something about them that only one can experience once they have experienced the Tiffany & co lifestyle.

The following link is a commercial that features the Tiffany & Co personality through three different women.


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